Convert HTML to PDF


How to Convert HTML to PDF in 2024

Converting HTML to PDF is a common task for web developers, designers, and content creators who need to generate printable or shareable versions of their web content. Whether you're creating reports, invoices, or any other type of document, the ability to convert HTML to PDF can be incredibly useful. In this article, we'll explore different methods to accomplish this task, including using online tools, browser extensions, and server-side scripts.

how to Convert HTML to PDF

Online Tools for Converting HTML to PDF

One of the easiest ways to convert HTML to PDF is by using online tools. These web-based converters allow you to paste your HTML code or provide a URL, and they'll generate a PDF file for you. Here are a few popular online tools you can try:

  1. HTML2PDF Converter: This tool is free and straightforward to use. Simply paste your HTML code or enter the URL, and it will generate a PDF for you. You can also customize the page size, orientation, and margins.

  2. HTML to PDF Online: Another free online tool that offers a user-friendly interface. You can either paste your HTML code or provide a URL, and it will convert it to a PDF file.

  3. Web2PDFConvert: This tool not only converts HTML to PDF but also supports converting entire websites or web pages to PDF format. It offers various customization options, such as page size, orientation, and header/footer settings.

To use these online tools, follow these steps:

  1. Open the tool's website in your web browser.
  2. Paste your HTML code or enter the URL of the web page you want to convert.
  3. Adjust any additional settings or options, if available (e.g., page size, orientation, margins).
  4. Click the "Convert" or "Download" button to generate the PDF file.
  5. Save the PDF file to your computer or device.

While these online tools are convenient, keep in mind that they may have limitations, such as file size restrictions or watermarks on the generated PDFs for the free versions.

Browser Extensions for Converting HTML to PDF

If you prefer a more integrated solution, you can use browser extensions or add-ons to convert HTML to PDF directly from your web browser. These extensions can be particularly useful when you need to convert a specific web page or a portion of a web page to a PDF file. Here are a few popular browser extensions you can try:

  1. Mozilla Firefox: The built-in "Print to PDF" feature in Firefox allows you to convert any web page to a PDF file. Simply open the web page you want to convert, press Ctrl+P (or Cmd+P on macOS) to open the print dialog, and select the "Microsoft Print to PDF" option (or any other PDF printer installed on your system).

  2. Google Chrome: The "Chrome PDF Viewer" extension allows you to convert web pages to PDF format. After installing the extension, right-click on the web page you want to convert and select "Print..." from the context menu. In the print dialog, select "Save as PDF" from the destination options.

  3. Microsoft Edge: The "PDF Viewer" extension for Microsoft Edge provides a similar functionality to the Chrome PDF Viewer. After installing the extension, you can convert web pages to PDF by clicking the "Print" option in the browser's menu and selecting "Save as PDF" from the printer options.

To use these browser extensions, follow these steps:

  1. Install the desired extension or add-on for your web browser.
  2. Open the web page you want to convert to PDF.
  3. Use the extension's or browser's built-in functionality to initiate the PDF conversion process (e.g., right-click and select "Print..." or use the print dialog shortcut).
  4. In the print dialog, select the option to "Save as PDF" or choose a PDF printer as the destination.
  5. Adjust any additional settings or options, if available (e.g., page size, orientation, margins).
  6. Click the "Save" or "Print" button to generate the PDF file.
  7. Choose a location on your computer or device to save the PDF file.

Browser extensions provide a convenient way to convert HTML to PDF without leaving your web browser, making them a great choice for quick conversions or capturing specific web content as a PDF.

Server-side Scripts for Converting HTML to PDF

If you need to convert HTML to PDF programmatically or on a larger scale, you can use server-side scripts or libraries. These solutions are typically more powerful and customizable than online tools or browser extensions, allowing you to automate the conversion process and integrate it into your web applications or workflows. Here are a few popular server-side options for converting HTML to PDF:

  1. wkhtmltopdf: This is an open-source command-line tool that can convert HTML to PDF using the Qt WebKit rendering engine. It supports various input formats, including URLs, HTML files, and raw HTML code. You can install and use wkhtmltopdf on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

  2. Puppeteer: Puppeteer is a Node.js library that provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome or Chromium browsers. It allows you to automate browser tasks, including rendering web pages and generating PDFs from HTML.

  3. WebKit2PDFConverter: If you're using .NET, the WebKit2PDFConverter library allows you to convert HTML to PDF using the WebKit rendering engine. It supports various input formats, including URLs, HTML files, and raw HTML code.

To use these server-side solutions, you'll typically need to write code or scripts to interact with the respective libraries or tools. The specific implementation will depend on the programming language and framework you're using. Here's a general outline of the steps involved:

  1. Install the required library or tool on your server or development environment.
  2. Write code or a script to load or generate the HTML content you want to convert.
  3. Use the library or tool's API to initiate the conversion process, passing in the HTML content as input.
  4. Customize any additional settings or options, if available (e.g., page size, orientation, margins, header/footer settings).
  5. Generate the PDF file from the HTML content.
  6. Save the PDF file to a desired location or serve it as a response to a client request.

Server-side solutions for converting HTML to PDF offer more flexibility and control over the conversion process, making them suitable for complex use cases or integrating the conversion functionality into larger applications or systems.


Converting HTML to PDF is a versatile task that can be accomplished using various methods, including online tools, browser extensions, and server-side scripts. Each approach has its own advantages and use cases, so choose the method that best suits your needs and requirements.

Online tools are convenient and easy to use for one-off conversions or quick testing, while browser extensions provide a more integrated solution for converting web pages directly from your browser. Server-side scripts and libraries offer more flexibility and customization options, making them suitable for automating the conversion process or integrating it into larger applications or workflows.

Regardless of the method you choose, ensure that you have the necessary permissions and licenses for any third-party tools or libraries you use, and always test the conversion results to ensure they meet your expectations.

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